

June 28, 2013

I’m officially a nurse. I can’t believe it.

My diet is still going strong. Amazing, really, how that changed. And how easy it’s all been, though I never thought I’d be able to do it. My daily routine is this;

  • Breakfast: bread with peanut butter and/or jam, or some leftovers from the night before warmed up. Yes, for breakfast, I love something warm en salty, like Chinese food or pasta. Maybe I’m weird, but breakfast is an important meal.
  • Lunch: two pieces of bread, sometimes 3. Maybe some soup or yoghurt and a piece of fruit.
  • 4 PM: snacktime! I usually go with yoghurt, fruit, warmed up vegetable (I can eat an entire steamed zucchini with a dash of cheese, nommm) or some raw carrots (good for skin, hair and overall health).
  • Dinner: a modest plate of whatever. Sometimes I grab a second serving if my snack was small or I had a very active afternoon.
  • 10 PM: snacktime! Plain popcorn (I buy kernels and pop them in the microwave myself, no salt, no butter) or raw carrots with yoghurt.

Calories still haunt me, don’t get me wrong. But my body is nourished, and it makes all the difference. When I had a heavy lunch, I’ll skip the 4 PM snack. But I’ll also legitimately not be hungry, so it evens out.

I’m happy.